In my university classes I have worked on desktop (mostly console based)
applications for Windows and Linux platforms, as well as web applications, and some assembly programming
for microcontrollers. Through my co-op terms and full time work I have gotten the chance to work with ASP.NET, VB.NET
webforms and Javacript with jQuery and AngularJS on the web side, and iOS using the MonoTouch platform to create applications using C# instead of Objective-C. For
my engineering capstone project I worked with a group of two others on an augmented reality Android game called Locus
in the Xamarin.Android framework with Photon Server using .NET and C#.
On my own time I have worked on a variety of small applications and scripts for various needs or for the
purposes of learning. Most of them are insignificant, but I have released a couple for public use. The most
notable projects are listed below with the website having over 80,000 unique visitors and
having served over 2.1 million images.
Some of the projects I feature are:
- A location based augmented reality multiplayer RPG for Android currently in development using the Xamarin.Android platform. This project was created with two others as our Software Engineering capstone project.
- A "mind bleach" website for fans of the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". The site's primary function is to provide a random image from a database every time the user clicks the image.
- A joke web app that promises to add "more jpeg" to your images, lowering their quality and adding artifacts!